Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Looking to establish a groove

So it's been awhile since I first made an entry in this thing. Kind of a lot has happened since July. In no particular order:

-I caught the Black Plague (otherwise known as the TSI flu)
-I coached a soccer season
-I got a new car
-I have had a blast teaching Brit Lit to 12th graders for the first time
-I have generally had a blast teaching these 12th graders (these are the kids that I first taught as
9th graders, when we were both brand new at NHHS)
-I took the GRE (not bad, but not where I wanted my score to be)
-I applied to graduate school
-I coached a wrestling season (learned it new this year)
-I might coach a tennis season (there's a wee bit o drama there)

That pretty much brings me to now and the reason for a new journal entry after all this time. I'm both in a groove and in a rut. I like what I'm doing, but I have a passion for more. I've been teaching for four years and, at the age of 29, I'm worried that if I don't take the plunge at being a bona-fide scholar now, that I may get caught up in the "comfortable life" and see graduate school as one of those foolish kid dreams. Now, after spending 4 years in a high school, I find that I am resonating quite a bit with my 12th grade students. I'm anxious for the next step, while nervous about leaving somewhere that I have great fondness for. I'm a mess of nerves as I wait to find out which, if any, of the three schools that I've applied to will let me in (Georgetown, Delaware and Bonaventure are the schools, on the off chance that anyone actually reads this). I found myself getting a bit emotional when I wrapped up the last soccer game of the season this year.

I re-started this blog for two reasons:

1: I plan to post, step by step, my graduate process, from acceptance/rejection letter to Masters degree and beyond. If anyone reads this, maybe my experience can help to persuade/disuade them from following the same path.

2: I plan to give the link to this blog to my students (especially my current 12th graders, who will always be my FIRST students, and thus hold a special place for me), so they can keep track of my zany antics and hopefully stay in tough through the comments feature.

That's all for tonight. Hopefully it won't be another few months until the next entry. I don't expect to hear from Delaware or Bonaventure for awhile yet, but Georgetown's application deadline was over a month ago, so I fully expect to be back on here soon either gleefully celebrating or bemoaning the dashing of my delusions of grandeur.

Till next time...